Monday, January 17, 2011

It's My Day Off- Time to ORGANIZE!

I have the day off today, so I am going to get this place organized! I am going to make a list of things to do and work, work, work!!!! I am going to tackle the downstairs first.

Here is my list:


Clean countertops and cabinets
Organize cabinets and pantry
Sweep and mop
Clean out fridge
Clean top of fridge off

Downstairs Bathroom:
Clean sink and countertop
Clean underneath sink
Clean toilet (of coarse)
Sweep and mop

Dining room:
Clean off kitchen table
Sweep and mop

Laundry Closet:
Clean off shelf above washer/ dryer (this may take a while)

Living Room:

Pick up kids' toys
Dust television stand
Throw away papers
Clean out coat closet

Now for the upstairs:
Have kids' clean bedrooms
Organize kids clothes in drawers
Change linens

My Bedroom (oh dear):
Put away laundry (my bedrooom is where the baskets of laundry go after leaving the dryer)
Change linens
Organize closet


Clean Bathtub
Clean toilet
Organize under sink
Sweep & Mop

Now, wish me luck! It will probably be later on this year, I mean tonight before I can update this blog!

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