Saturday, January 22, 2011

I FINISHED Decluttering My House...

But, I cannot write about it because a certain 20 month old has my camera hostage. Well I can write about it, but it isn't fun without pictures! It was mostly an all day event, but I took about a 4 hour break (I had to pick up my daughter from a friend's).

It wasn't as bad as I expected. I am at a loss for where my camera could be because my home is decluttered, and some time while I was cleaning my little man took it. Oh gosh, I hope it isn't in the garbage...

I am off to dig in the garbage can, so stay tuned for some pictures (hopefully)!

1 comment:

  1. with me it's not the lack of the data transfer cable but my husband is keen of keeping strict data privacy. For this reason I colour up my blog with photoes which are licence free - and I am nevertheless glad to be in contact with you and two or three other flybabies. idi
