Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 5: Write Down What You Hear

Here is Flylady's advice from her website:

- Getting Dressed to lace up shoes
- Keeping our sink shining
- Going to Big Tent and reading messages
- Looking at our posted reminders in the kitchen and bathroom

Are you hearing any of those nagging negative voices popping into your head? I want you to take a piece of paper and write down what you hear then I want you to turn those ugly words around and say something nice to yourself to negate the ugly words that they said.

Flylady has been around the block a time or two because the timing is perfect-  day 4 is when I began hearing those annoying voices. Here is what they said:

"You had a hard day at work today, so just rest the remainder of the evening"
"Laundry can wait until tomorrow"
"Just let the dishes wait"

and blah blah blah

I did exactly what Flylady said and turned those voices around- so they said:

"Everyone has hard days at work, so get your butt up and straighten this little mess or it will grow into a big mess."
"Wash and dry that one load of laundry or it will turn into 3 loads of laundry."
"Go ahead and 'just let the dishes wait'. By the time you get around to doing them, the food will be stuck on- and what would have first cost you 10 minutes of your time will now cost you 30 minutes"

Also, I would just like to thank Flylady. I have spent less time on the internet and more time on my home.

I still have to organize and declutter the upstairs of my home, and I plan to do that on Saturday- my next off day. I am really excited about it.


  1. Yesterday I did my dish washing after some days again, but today it was really nice, that I did it and it wasn't so much today - like you turned upside down the voice that you you have written
