Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Step 1: Shine Your Kitchen Sink

This is the same "baby-step" program I began last year, and I never followed through with. I shined my sink last year (and it looked REALLY nice if I may add). My husband was impressed. Sadly, I only got passed the first baby-step. My house continued to be cluttered and my laundry only got past the dryer and stayed in the laundry basket until time to pick out an outfit for wearing.

Not this year though! Today I will shine my sink! I am following the Fly Lady's system of getting organized. She teaches me to take baby steps. By shining my kitchen sink, she says it will give me a sense of accomplishment. She says if there are dirty dishes in the sink to just set them aside. I do not know that I will be able to do that. I am one that has to do things perfectly, and she is one that teaches not to do things perfectly per say. With that being said, I am going right now to shine my sink!

If anyone wants to follow along with me, here is the Step 1 according to FlyLady:

Over the next 30 days, Flylady will give me a new baby-step to complete each day. I WILL blog about each day, because I know that it help give me a sense of "completion" and this will help me to stay motivated and determined!!

Now, I am off to shine my sink FlyLady style!

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