Sunday, January 23, 2011

So, I finally got around to cleaning the upstairs! Let's do a check off from my previous list:

My Bedroom (oh dear):
Put away laundry (my bedrooom is where the baskets of laundry go after leaving the dryer)
Change linens
Organize closet

 Notice the table at the foot of my bed with the plastic totes underneath? Check out the after picture. I covered the table with a downy comforter and throw pillows- I think it looks nicer than a table with totes underneath.

Kids' Bedroom
Have kids clean bedroom (because let's just face it- anything I do will be undone within minutes)
Organize kids clothes in drawers
Change linens


Clean Bathtub
Clean toilet
Organize under sink
Sweep & Mop

Here is a photo of the dining room after I placed the pictures I bought:

And after I completed all of this, I rewarded myself and family with a meal of baked ham, dressing, green beans, and mashed potatoes. I helped my daughter bake a chocolate cake also. We had a very good meal in a very decluttered and clean house.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kristi, yes, your photoes and your text are an encouragement to me... and the delicious meal and the bright eyes of your daughter... Thanks
